Asked and Answered

So what exactly is a Cancer Coach and why did you become one?

I have been asked both of these questions many times. Here are my answers.

The Cancer Coaching program was designed for and by Health Care Professionals to fill a void in cancer prevention, treatment and recovery. I firmly believe that a comprehensive cancer protocol must include a strong nutritional and lifestyle component to be truly effective. Unfortunately as the incidence of cancer diagnoses continues to increase, doctors are becoming overwhelmed and simply cannot give patients the scope of care that is needed to lead their patients through cancer treatment, recovery and prevention. Protocols offered by us to our clients are solidly rooted in evidenced based research and are continually updated to reflect current findings.

There are approximately 1500 cancer coaches certified by Professional Cancer Coaches International Inc. Coaches come from various backgrounds including doctors, nurses and nutritionists.  My background is Nutrition.

So the second question is why am I a Cancer Coach?

I am a Cancer Coach now because I was a cancer patient before. As I incorporated each of them into my own protocol, I understand intimately both conventional and alternative approaches to treatment. And I understand the emotions tied to a cancer diagnosis. I want to be a part of the new direction of cancer care; one that considers the whole person and the whole disease. I believe in hope. I believe that inner strength is limitless and I believe that both are fostered by knowledge and empowerment.

For me this is what a Cancer Coach is. This is what a Cancer Coach does. And this is why I am one of them.

Beyond Its Taste

In simple terms, Epigenetics is the study of how our environment affects our gene expression.  As studies progress, the once held belief that we are at the mercy of our gene pool, is slowly changing.  This should in turn then affect how we look at cancer prevention and perhaps treatment.

Although more research is needed to determine a direct causal link between diet and cancer, there are numerous studies showing the positive association between the two. Furthermore as researchers continue to uncover the associations between diet and disease, it is becoming increasingly clear that the greatest benefits come from whole foods and not the isolated component nutrients.

I recently watched a short video by Bruce Lipton in which he spoke of a research project headed by Vaucheret and Chapeau demonstrating that “plant small RNAs acquired orally through food intake directly influence gene expression in animals after migration through the plasma and delivery to specific organs.”  Lipton continues by saying that “microRNA molecules in the food we eat are picked up by our digestive system and transferred to our own cells and regulates our own genetics…we alter our own genetic read out by the food we eat.”  So in essence, what we eat can either turn on our health genes or turn on our disease genes.

The science behind this is complicated but the message is simple.  As we continue to understand how our body’s immune system works in preventing and fighting disease and how diet and lifestyle choices can support it, what we choose to eat and how we choose to live our lives becomes of utmost importance in both preventing and fighting cancer.

Ya the kids are just fine

The 4 kids on my Facebook cover are in fact mine. Together with my husband and 2 dogs we are the family Biase. I am proud of my kids. They are intelligent, kind and successful in their endeavours and somehow they have managed to navigate the obstacle course laid out by their parents. Oft declared inept, sometimes embarrassing and always strict beyond any rational parents our kids, despite the odds, grew up.

Anyone who is a parent knows the physical and mental fortitude it takes to raise their children.  Having 4 of them put us at a distinct disadvantage when it came to the art of war within our family dynamic.  We were double-teamed. But we wouldn’t let them defeat us.  We stood shoulder to shoulder when they deployed their ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. When they had us questioning our mental soundness we were resolute in our defence of each other’s sanity and when we were just completely exhausted with trying to keep up with the latest technology, we shut them down. They were admirable adversaries but in the end our teamwork trumped theirs.

As with all families we have had our highs and our lows but we are blessed with more of the former than the latter.  We’ve second guessed decisions and talked for hours to come to others.

And we know that there is more to come.  Our role as mom and dad is a tenured position.

So I say hats off to my children! You have grown in to the type of adults that I would be friends with.

And high five to my husband because the kids are just fine.

Singing in the Rain…Sort of

Finding that sweet spot in the day for a little me time was once a challenge.

Pundits say I should meditate daily.  While I would love to become a part of this movement, the practice has eluded me. It’s just not happening in my house. There is seldom a quiet moment and when there is I can only think of the imminent interruption.

But no one has any interest in bothering me when I am in the shower.  With acoustics matched only by Carnegie Hall and the Ryman Auditorium, my shower is the perfect stage for belting out Show Tunes and Chart Toppers.  I know in my heart of hearts that I def would get a 4 chair turn around on the Voice after bringing them to their feet with my moving rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.  Knowing full well that I am heading to Blake’s team, I toy with their emotions before letting this generational talent slip from their grasp. And I play out similar scenarios every day, changing up the songs and lucky coaches to suit my mood.

Sometimes there are days when life is a little less forthcoming with those happy moments that I require.  So each day, instead of rolling the dice I go to my happy place and create one of my own.

Happy Saturday all!

My Tribe

Going through a serious illness is every bit as much a psychological struggle as it is a physical one and in moments of weakness your mind can take you to dark places that can be hard to return from. It is in these times that the love, support and encouragement of family and friends is as critical to your success in battle as your medical team. There is no room for ego. You will quickly find out who your network is and you must use them because your energy focus must solely be on getting better. Leave the rest to your team and use their strength when yours is waning. They don’t want your gratitude. They want your presence. There will be time later for thanks.

For me later is now and although my words will fall short of expressing my profound love and gratitude to you my people, I want to say them anyways. You held me in your arms when I cried.

You came to every doctor’s appointment and treatment that I had and there were so many. You called me every day. You cooked for my family when I couldn’t. You never turned away from me when you were afraid. You prayed for me and you shed tears that you thought I didn’t see. You were my support. My people. My tribe. I felt your presence with me always. It is what gave me the strength to carry through.

Thank you.