In simple terms, Epigenetics is the study of how our environment affects our gene expression. As studies progress, the once held belief that we are at the mercy of our gene pool, is slowly changing. This should in turn then affect how we look at cancer prevention and perhaps treatment.
Although more research is needed to determine a direct causal link between diet and cancer, there are numerous studies showing the positive association between the two. Furthermore as researchers continue to uncover the associations between diet and disease, it is becoming increasingly clear that the greatest benefits come from whole foods and not the isolated component nutrients.
I recently watched a short video by Bruce Lipton in which he spoke of a research project headed by Vaucheret and Chapeau demonstrating that “plant small RNAs acquired orally through food intake directly influence gene expression in animals after migration through the plasma and delivery to specific organs.” Lipton continues by saying that “microRNA molecules in the food we eat are picked up by our digestive system and transferred to our own cells and regulates our own genetics…we alter our own genetic read out by the food we eat.” So in essence, what we eat can either turn on our health genes or turn on our disease genes.
The science behind this is complicated but the message is simple. As we continue to understand how our body’s immune system works in preventing and fighting disease and how diet and lifestyle choices can support it, what we choose to eat and how we choose to live our lives becomes of utmost importance in both preventing and fighting cancer.