Meal Prep 101

Meal prepping is a beautiful thing! Once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder how you ever survived without it.

So let’s set you up for success.

Get Organized

For me, a crucial aspect of meal prepping is getting organized. This means before I step foot into the grocery store, I want to have all of my containers washed and ready to go.

I recommend using glass storage containers for food prepping and storage.  Glass containers last forever, are easy to clean and don’t contain harmful chemicals. Stay away from plastics! As well, look for a variety of sizes.

Also, make sure to invest in enough containers to last you all week.

You also want to make sure your containers are travel-friendly, so you don’t experience any spills along the way. 

Once you have your containers, it’s time to start the grocery list.

Make Your List


I love making lists. This way, I don’t forget anything I need.  Lists also allow you to group like items together, so you’re not wasting time at the store going back and forth between aisles and departments. 

Before you can make your list, you need to know what you’re making.

How to find the recipes is really up to you. Some people like to peruse the internet and apps like Pinterest for tasty recipes throughout the week. Others enjoy looking through cookbooks while having their morning coffee.

While you’re likely to come across a ton of tasty sounding dishes, keep in mind too many recipes can also be overwhelming. To save time, and to go easy on your wallet, look for recipes with similar ingredients for the week.

If you’re new to cooking or meal prepping, there’s nothing wrong with starting with just a couple of recipes to prep for the week to get you going.

How Are You Prepping?

When it comes to how you meal prep, you have many options.

Types of meal prep include:

  • Full make-ahead meals: You cook an entire meal and store it in your fridge or freezer.
  • Batch cooking or freezing: Make multiple meals, then portion and store them. This approach is useful for recipes you can easily cook in large amounts (like big pots of soup, rice, or mashed sweet potatoes).
  • Meals for one: Prepare food and portion it in single-serving containers. (Usually enough to last a few days)
  • Ingredient prep: For people who like to cook and serve food all at once, just prep parts of recipes. Chop veggies, mix spices, or marinate meat in advance to save time when you’re ready to cook.

meal prepThe best part is you don’t have to choose just one option! 

While you’re prepping your lunches for the week, let’s say,  you know you’ll need chopped onions and carrots for at least one dinner. Prep everything at once and store the dinner ingredients separately. 

What a time-saver!

And Here Are Other Benefits To Meal Prepping

When done right, meal prep can save you money. Meal prepping allows you to save money by purchasing items in bulk and freezing for later use. Always stock up on staples like olive oil, spices, and condiments when they’re on sale. 

Meal prepping also helps you reduce waste. When you’re portioning out your servings for the week, you know exactly how much to make and how much you have. So, no more forgotten leftovers in the back of the fridge.

Finally, unlike processed meals, this method gives you total control over what goes into your food—perfect for anyone who wants to stay on track with their health goals.

Tips To Top It All Off

When you first start meal prepping, there are some mistakes I want to help you avoid.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many new or complex recipes with a long list of ingredients. It’s easy to get swept away with yummy and exotic-sounding new dishes—start simple, with recipes you already know how to make and know you like.

Make sure to plan meals that will help keep you feeling satisfied throughout the day. Look for recipes that offer you the right balance of your macros and micros.

Lastly, when planning for your prepping, keep your schedule in mind. You’ll need to set aside time to shop and prepare your meals.  This might take some reorganizing but it’s worth it!

It just takes a little time and practice but soon you’ll be a happy meal prepper!


This Week On The Health Hub…Calcium ATPase:The Little-Known Enzyme at the Root of Your Cellular Health with Brunde Broady

When Brunde Broady’s infant son experienced an onslaught of health issues that conventional medicine could neither define nor treat, she began her own research-based quest for answers. Over the course of ten years, she pulled together hundreds of threads from scientific journal articles and revealed the importance of the enzyme Calcium ATPase. Broady has a Yale MBA and has received patents in both the United States and China related to her work on Calcium ATPase. She wrote The Calcium Connection: The Little-Known Enzyme at the Root of Your Cellular Health to share her knowledge with as many people as possible to help them make educated health and lifestyle decisions.
Learning point:
  • What is calcium ATPase
  • What is the function of Calcium ATPase in the body?
  • What happens if Calcium ATPase is dysregulated?

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Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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This Week On The Health Hub…The Goldilocks Of Stress With Trudy Stone

Trudy Stone is a certified culinary nutritionist, founder of Trudy Stone Nutrition, podcast host and TV guest wellness expert who educates people about nutrition and solutions for managing stress and anxiety. From healthy habits to brain health, Trudy is passionate about empowering people to build healthier habits and unlock the power of food to build a strong and vibrant brain and body. Trudy is also a brain health instructor for Clean Eating Magazine for the course Feed a Healthy Brain. The course explores the connection between diet, cognitive decline and mental health, helping people to realize the full potential of food to support a healthy brain, so people can thrive now and well into their later years. Trudy is also the creator of the R.I.S.E method, a step-by-step framework to help people to overcome stress, overwhelm and fatigue.
Learning point:
  • How we can use our stress in a positive way?
  • What are some key nutrients we can consume to alleviate stress?
  • What is the R.I.S.E 4 step method for transforming our stress into something more positive?

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Listen live or catch the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud!

Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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This Week On The Health Hub…The Healing Power Of Gardening with Dr. Sue Stuart-Smith

Sue Stuart-Smith is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and author of The Well Gardened Mind, a Sunday Times Bestseller. She studied English Literature at the University of Cambridge before qualifying as a doctor and working in the National Health Service for many years, becoming the lead clinician for psychotherapy in Hertfordshire. She currently teaches at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in London and is a consultant at DocHealth, a not for profit, psychotherapeutic consultation service for doctors. She is married to Tom Stuart-Smith, the celebrated garden designer, and, over thirty years together, they have created the wonderful Barn Garden in Hertfordshire. Her book, The Well Gardened Mind, analyses the relationship between gardening and mental health.
Learning point:
  • Why can gardening be therapeutic?
  • What are some physiological responses to being in the garden?
  • How can we begin our gardening journey?

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Listen live or catch the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud!

Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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This Week On The Health Hub…Things That Happen When You Sit Too Much with Dr. Turner Osler

Dr. Turner Osler is a retired academic trauma surgeon, turned research epidemiologist. He is the CEO and Founder of QOR360, a company specializing in active seating products for homes, offices, and schools, designed to help alleviate problems caused by sitting. Dr. Osler and his team are passionate to help educate a new generation on active sitting, and support an aging population with back pain.  Dr. Osler has published over 300 peer-reviewed medical papers and book chapters. As a physician who’s suffered from a tyranny of conventional chairs for most of his life, Dr. Osler’s quest for a healthier way to sit led him to develop the Redrocker, a new geometric solid, the Eccentric Bicylinder. This shape is central to QOR360’s ergonomic, healthy, and active seating products.
Learning point:
    1. Why is modern chair design adding health problems?
    2. What health issues arise from sitting incorrectly?
    3. Why standing is not the opposite of sitting?

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Listen live or catch the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud!

Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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