This Week on The Health Hub…Factors Influencing our Decision Making with Dr. Austin Perlmutter

Austin Perlmutter, M.D., is a board-certified internal medicine physician and New York Times bestselling co-author of Brain Wash. He is interested in how we make decisions, mental health and behavioral change. He writes for Psychology Today on his blog, The Modern Brain.


Learning Points:

  • What key factors impact our decision making?
  • How does the physiology of the brain intersect with psychology in decision making?
  • Why should we care about what goes into our decision making?

Social Media


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Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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This Week on The Health Hub…Technology’s Push for Change in Healthcare with Lonny Stormo

Lonny Stormo is the CEO & co- founder of Pops Diabetes Care. He has spent 34 years in the healthcare industry primarily at Medtronic, the largest medical device in the manufacturer world. At Medtronic he served in a large variety of roles including leading the Medtronic Therapy Delivery business. In the last four years, Lonny has successfully led the founding and growth of Pops, a leader in creating full virtual care, the next stage of healthcare. Lonny is passionate about consumer experience, changing healthcare to focus on benefiting individuals across the globe, and serving as a leader of the most inspired teams. Lonny is on local American Diabetes Association and Rotary International boards. He holds a BSEE degree from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and an MBA from Arizona State University.


Learning Points:

  • What is the POPS technology platform?
  • How is technology pushing for a transformation in healthcare?
  • What is healthcare associated waste?

Social Media

Listen live or catch the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud!

Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

TheHealthHub is now on iTunes!

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If you have a health topic that you would like us to discuss or are a health care specialist who wants to be a guest on our show let us know!

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James Maskell

This Week on The Health Hub…Community Based Medicine with James Maskell

With the soul of an advocate and the mind of an entrepreneur, James Maskell has spent the past decade innovating at the cross section of functional medicine and community. To that end, he created the Functional Forum, the world’s largest integrative medicine conference with record-setting participation online and growing physician communities around the world. His organization and best-selling book of the same name, Evolution of Medicine, prepares health professionals for this new era of personalized, participatory medicine. His new book is called “The Community Cure”. He is an in demand speaker and impresario, being featured on TEDMED, HuffPostLive and TEDx, as well as lecturing internationally. He lives in Sacramento, CA with his wife and daughter.


Learning Points:

  • What is the functional medicine model?

  • What are community medical/health visits?

  • How does the community model address challenges currently facing healthcare?

Social Media

Listen live or catch the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud!

Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

TheHealthHub is now on iTunes!

Subscribe and don’t miss a single episode!

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We are @thehealthhubrmc on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

How To Listen Live

Visit our website and learn how to listen live to our show each week.

Let us know!

If you have a health topic that you would like us to discuss or are a health care specialist who wants to be a guest on our show let us know!

Here is our email.  We would love to hear from you!



White Noise is My Colour of Choice

In my blog entitled Health Care Trends I Am Watching in the New Decade from my February 2020 Newsletter, I mentioned that I believe that one of the greatest health trends to continue in to this new decade will be the ongoing study of both the quality and quantity of sleep and its impact on our overall health.

To reiterate from earlier writings, beneficial habits to incorporate when working towards good sleep hygiene include:

  • Maintaining a consistent bedtime routine
  • Turning all electronics off 1 hour before bedtime
  • Not eating 3 hours before bedtime
  • Sleeping in a cool room
  • Sleeping in darkness
  • Removing electronics from your bedroom, or at the very least, keeping them 2 feet away from your bed
  • Trying to get to be around 10pm


Something New!

I wanted to let you in on another tool that I have added to my arsenal of sleep strategies.

White noise.

Let’s set the stage here of my reality.

My hearing seems to be the only one of my senses that continues to increase in sensitivity as time goes by.

I wake to children roaming, doors closing and dogs snoring.  Darkness, coolness and time of retiring to my room just don’t stand up to the sound challenges that I face nightly.

I needed another bullet so I gave listening to white noise a try and it works like a charm.

What is white noise you ask?

White noise is a fuzzy sound. It’s like all of possible the sounds that you could hear melding in to one peaceful sssssss.  To be a bit more scientific though, white noise is a combination of all of the different frequencies of sound.

And this beautiful consistent noise masks other sounds that cause me anxiety at night.


Different Colour Noises  

White noise isn’t the only ‘colour’ noise.

There is pink noise, brown noise, blue noise and green noise just to name a few.

Basically each differs in frequencies.

Additional Benefits of White Noise

Using white noise for achieving better sleep is only one of the many benefits that people like me have noted by listening to it.

Other benefits reported include:

  1. Better concentration
  2. Better meditation
  3. Lessening of anxiety
  4. Reducing tinnitus
  5. Better sleep for babies

White noise has been a godsend for me.

“Alexa play white noise” is my new night time mantra.






Next Week on The Health Hub…The Link Between Diet Culture and Health with Erin Holt

Erin Holt is a board-certified integrative and functional nutritionist helping people re-energize and find real health without restriction. After suffering health issues (chronic digestive problems, eating disorders, anxiety, autoimmune disease) for most of her life without any conventional answers, Erin turned to alternative medicine and functional nutrition for her recovery. Erin couples deep science research & functional testing with holistic healing modalities when working with women to get to the root cause of their health issues. She works with women all over the world through private consultations and online nutrition programs. Her nutrition practice honours the indissoluble link between mind and body.

Learning Points:

  • What a diet culture is
  • Connection between diet culture and Autoimmunity
  • The impact of Food Fear

Social Media

Listen live or catch the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud!

Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

TheHealthHub is now on iTunes!

Subscribe and don’t miss a single episode!

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We are @thehealthhubrmc on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

How To Listen Live

Visit our website and learn how to listen live to our show each week.

Let us know!

If you have a health topic that you would like us to discuss or are a health care specialist who wants to be a guest on our show let us know!

Here is our email.  We would love to hear from you!