This Week on The Health Hub…Building A Healthy Body Image with Nichole Wurth

Nichole Wurth is a coach, author, and speaker who shows women how to become BFF’s with their bodies. Because when a woman sees how awesome her body really is, she creates the life and body she’s always wanted, without force or willpower. Nichole knows this to be true because it’s happened to her and thousands of her clients. Nichole’s been coaching women since 2006, has written two books and has an 84% success rate. When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into a lifestyle they deserve, you can find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her hubby, their son Wyatt and two dogs.

Learning Points:

  • Why will-powering ourself in to a healthy body just won’t work
  • Why respect is the key to achieving our healthy goals
  • How we are innately tied to nature and the universe

Social Media

  • Email:
  • Website:

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Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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This Week on The Health Hub…Bio Feedback Technology to Improve the Power of Meditation with Ariel Garten

Ariel Garten is a psychotherapist, neuroscientist, mom, former fashion designer and the female founder and visionary of an amazing and highly successful tech start-up Muse. Muse tracks your brain during meditation to give you real-time feedback on your meditation, guiding you into the “zone” and solving the problem most of us have when starting a meditation practice. Muse lets you know when you are doing it right. When Ariel is not reading brains (literally) or investing in, inspiring and advising other start-ups and women in biz, you can find her on stages across the world, from TED to MIT to SXSW. She inspires people to understand that they can accomplish anything they want by learning what goes on in their own mind. Ariel is also the co-host of the Untangle Podcast.

Learning Points:

  • Why should we meditate?
  • Is there a strategy to meditating properly?
  • What science is there to back the benefits of meditating?

Social Media

Listen live or catch the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud!

Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

TheHealthHub is now on iTunes!

Subscribe and don’t miss a single episode!

Follow us on Social Media

We are @thehealthhubrmc on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

How To Listen Live

Visit our website and learn how to listen live to our show each week.

Let us know!

If you have a health topic that you would like us to discuss or are a health care specialist who wants to be a guest on our show let us know!

Here is our email.  We would love to hear from you!




Neutropenia: A Common Side Effect of Cancer

Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell and an extremely important part of our immune system as they help our body to fight infection.

Neutropenia is a condition where a person has an abnormally low concentration of neutrophils.

People who have neutropenia have a higher risk of getting serious infections because they do not have enough neutrophils to fight off invading and harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Cancer patients who are receiving treatment can be at risk of neutropenia. Neutrophils are made in the bone marrow and cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy can affect a patient’s bone health thus impacting neutrophil production. Neutropenia is also a common side effect in people with leukemia and can also be caused by solid tumour malignancies if they infiltrate the bone marrow.

Neutropenia is diagnosed by a routine complete blood count (CBC).

Symptoms of Neutropenia

The following are common signs of neutropenia:

  • A fever
  • Chills or sweating
  • Sore throat, sores in the mouth
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pain near the anus
  • Pain or burning when urinating, or urinating often
  • A cough or shortness of breath
  • Any redness, swelling, or pain (especially around a cut, wound, or catheter)
  • Unusual vaginal discharge or itching

Allopathic Management of Neutropenia

The treatment of neutropenia depends on its cause and severity. In some cases cancer treatment may be suspended until neutrophil count rises to an adequate level.

Patients may be given medication to help bone marrow regenerate new neutrophils.

And in cases where a disease has caused the drop in neutrophils, treatment of the disease will occur.

How Can You Support Your Immune System If You Are At Risk of Neutropenia?

Eat a healthy diet

  • Protein is the building block for the immune system. Foods such as eggs, quinoa and

       lean white meat are good sources

  • Zinc is a strong immune booster. Foods rich in zinc include pumpkin seeds, shellfish and


  • Omega‐3 fatty acids increase phagocyte activity. Phagocytes are white blood cells that

        consume bacteria. Foods include flax seeds, wild caught salmon and chia seeds

  • Folate increases neutrophil count. Foods high in folate include leafy green vegetables,

        beans, and lentils.

  • Stay well hydrated drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day

Wash your hands frequently

Washing your hands helps to prevent the spread of germs to your nose, eyes and mouth.  All entry points to your body

Stay away from large groups

You are at greater risk of infection when your immune system is compromised.  During this time avoid large groups to help reduce your risk of coming in to contact with potentially harmful germs

Get lots of sleep

Proper sleep is a key piece of a healthy immune system.  Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night

Neutropenia can be serious.  Be aware of the symptoms and contact your doctor if you begin to experience any of them.


Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery Natural Strategies for Preparation & Dealing with Side Effects of Cancer Treatments by Cathy Biase BSc., RHN, CPCC


Sustainable Travel Benefits All of Us

The world’s airlines carry over 3 billion passengers in a single year according to the Air Transport Action Group. The International Air Transport Association has the figure at 2.8 billion.  Bear in mind that this is only air travel.  A significant number of people travel by train and car.

With these figures in play it is easy to understand that the tourism industry has a substantial global impact on the economic, social and cultural areas being travelled to.

Wellness tourism and travelling sustainably go hand in hand for me.

Wellness Tourism is about a continuity of our health as we vacation and Sustainable Travel is about mindfully enjoying our experiences without harming the area’s natural and cultural environment.  Our travels should not have a negative impact on the areas we travel to.

The World Tourism Organization specifies sustainable travel as

the management of all resources in such a way that economic, social, and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity, and life support systems.”

Sustainable travel melds the activities of tourists and travel companies into the local economy making an effort to enhance the local people, their businesses and their culture and traditions.

So as sustainable travellers we need to be aware of the foot print that we leave in the areas that we travel to.  Are we raising pollution levels? Are we leaving a positive impact on the local people, their businesses and their native cultures?

Tips for Sustainable Travel

  • When packing use reusable containers
  • Look for environmentally friendly hotels
  • Support locally run businesses including tour operators, restaurants and hotels including guesthouses, Bed &Breakfasts and Airbnbs
  • Look for businesses that give back to the community with local projects and fair pay
  • When you are looking for souvenirs, seek out local arts or craft makers

Amazing Apps for Sustainable Travel

Finally I want to give you 3 great apps that promote sustainable travel

  1. Eatwith connects travellers with local people for local unique food experiences
  2. Pack for a Purpose. “Small space. Little effort. Big impact. You go on the website and select a destination or initiative and it leads you in to a world of good things that you can pack to help out the locals of your destination
  3. FairTrip  The FairTrip app is a free collaborative guide that helps travellers to find and share local and authentic places while having a positive social and economic impact on the visited place.

    My Health Hub Podcast with Chris Gonzalez on The Rising Trend of Wellness Tourism


Integrative Approaches for Dealing with Chemo Brain

The frustration that stems from the mental cloudiness experienced by many cancer patients going through chemotherapy is no laughing matter.  And although many may try to make light of it, chemo brain, as it is commonly known, can be a cause of great concern when a decrease in mental sharpness leads to the inability to remember important things, learn new skills or finish tasks.  This negative impact on everyday life can also impart a great emotional hit alongside the practical issues.

It’s Not Just Chemo

Chemo brain to some extent is a misnomer.  In reality mental fog can be experienced by patients who are not going through chemotherapy treatments.  Other noted causes include:

  • The actual diagnosis of cancer can contribute to mental unclarity
  • Medications such as pain killers
  • Radiation treatments
  • Lack of Sleep/Fatigue

  • Poor nutrition
  • Low blood counts
  • The cancer itself
  • Age

Integrative Approaches to Dealing with Chemo Brain

The one positive of this condition is that in most cases it is temporary and can be managed with a few helpful tips.

Get Good Quality Sleep and Enough of It

Lack of enough good quality sleep can be a contributing factor for brain fog.

Here are some tips to encourage a good night sleep:

  1. Maintain a consistent bedtime routine
  2. Turn all electronics off 1 hour before bedtime
  3. Sleep in cool room
  4. Sleep in darkness
  5. If you must have electronics in your room, keep them 2 feet away from your bed

Amp Up Your Nutrition

Incorporating a whole foods diet with key nutrients is an important step in dealing with brain fog. Goods fats need to be included in your daily diet and can be found in foods such as coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, walnuts and cold water fish like salmon.

Choline and inositol are important nutrients for brain health. Choline can be found in foods such as eggs, beans, flax seeds and pistachios. Foods rich in inositol include beans and cantaloupe.

Vitamins B1 (thiamin) and B12 (cobalamin) are important vitamins to include in your diet.

Food sources of B1 include eggs, salmon, asparagus, kale, cauliflower sunflower seeds, beans, lentils and brown rice.

B12 is readily available in meat and shellfish. If avoiding animal products, supplementing with B12 in the form of methylcobalamin should be considered.


Exercise overall has many health benefits.

For brain fog, regular exercise can help to keep stress and anxiety in check and encourage a more restful sleep.

And a few other tips

From a life style perspective incorporating strategies in to your daily routine such as making lists, noting activities in to a calendar, setting reminders and challenging yourself with word puzzles and brain games can be very helpful for improving brain function.

For those who like online challenges, one of my favourite sites for brain games is BrainHQ



Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery
Natural Strategies for Preparation
Dealing with Side Effects of Cancer Treatments