This Week on The Health Hub…Happiness is a Choice with John Leland

What’s the secret to living a fuller, more content life? For John Leland, an award-winning New York Times reporter and author of the New York Times bestseller “Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons from a Year among the Oldest Old,” the answer came from an unexpected place: from the lives of six people age 85 and up. He expected them to educate him in the hardships of old age. Instead, they taught him lessons of resilience, gratitude, purpose and perspective that apply to people of any age. All had lost something – spouses, mobility, their keen eyesight or hearing. But none had lost everything. And they defined their lives by the things they could still do, not by what they had lost. Sociologists call this the “paradox of aging”: as much as our culture obsesses over youth, older people are more content with their lives than young adults. They’re less stressed, less afraid of death, better able to manage whatever difficulties come their way – even when their lives are very, very hard. The good news about old age is that there is good news. And the better news is that we can all learn from our elders’ wisdom and experience. Whatever your age, it’s not too late to learn to think like an old person.

John Leland is a reporter at the New York Times, where he wrote a year-long series following six people age 85 and up, which became the basis for his new book, “Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons from a Year among the Oldest Old,” a New York Times bestseller. Before joining the Times in 2000, he was a senior editor at Newsweek and editor-in-chief of Details magazine.


Learning Points:

  • Can we really choose happiness?
  • How do we choose happiness?
  • How can we manage hardships in life?






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Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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This Week on The Health Hub…The Toxic Home with Dr. Robert Brown

Rob Brown, M.D.’s blended perspective of healthcare and wellness comes from his conventional career as a physician along with a deep rooted passion for wellness and spiritual exploration. As a radiologist, Dr. Brown has studied the health of over 300,000 patients and has come to the conclusion that wellness is optimally achieved by limiting daily exposure to environmental stressors and giving the body time and a place to heal from daily wear and tear.


Learning Points:

  • What are the most common sources of toxic exposure in today’s world?
  • What are recommendations for limiting daily exposure?
  • What are some of the “proven” health effects associated with exposure to electromagnetic frequency?


This Week on The Health Hub…Chronobiology of Hypertension with Dr. Michael Smolensky

Dr. Smolensky earned his bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees from the University of Illinois. His training and expertise focus on the areas of chronobiology (biological rhythms) and the environmental, and medical sciences. For 37 years he was Professor of Environmental Physiology in the Division of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the University of Texas-Houston School of Public Health and was affiliated with the Sleep and Pulmonary Medicine Division of the University Texas-Houston School of Medicine. Currently he is Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, Visiting Professor at University of Houston School of Pharmacy, Consultant to the Sleep Medicine Fellows Program McGovern School of Medicine, University Texas-Houston Health Science Center, and President of the American Association for Medical Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics. He is also a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Smolensky is a leader in the field of medical chronobiology. He founded and for 10 years directed the Memorial-Hermann Center for Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics in Houston — the first polyclinic to incorporate biological rhythm methods to diagnose and treat disease. He was founder and long-time co-editor of both Chronobiology International and the Annual Review of Chronopharmacology. He has organized or co-organized 10 international biological rhythm conferences.

Dr. Smolensky is the author or co-author of more than 365 scientific and clinical journal articles and book chapters, books, and continuing education monographs for physicians, pharmacists, and academic scientists. He is also co-author with Lynne Lamberg of the popular book, The Body Clock Guide to Better Health.

Dr. Smolensky is best known for his research on the chronobiology and chronotherapy of hypertension, heart disease, pulmonary disorders, and sleep; he is also expert on the health effects of shift work and light at night exposure. He has served as a consultant and advisor to governmental agencies in the USA and abroad.


Learning Points:

  • What is the clinical definition of high blood pressure?
  • Does blood pressure exhibit predictable circadian rhythm?
  • Is there an optimal time to take blood pressure medication?

This Week on The Health Hub…The End of Alzheimer’s? A Differential Diagnosis Toward a Cure with Dr. Thomas Lewis


Dr. Thomas J. Lewis is a Medical Scientist. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from MIT and certification from the Harvard School of Public Health. He is an entrepreneur and healthcare professional with expertise in toxic substances, drug development, biotechnology, health technology, and medical protocol development. For the past 12 years he has worked closely with senior researchers and clinicians at Harvard Medical School and has developed a program for chronic disease root cause prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Alzheimer’s disease and the most serious eye diseases, macular degeneration and glaucoma have been a particular focus. 

Learning Points:

  • What are vital present and future interventions for Alzheimer’s disease?
  • From current research are there strategies for preventing Alzheimer’s disease?
  • Are there relevant diagnostic test for Alzheimer’s disease?


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Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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This Week on The Health Hub…The Ocular Biome: The Microbiome in Your Eyes with Dr. Harvey Fishman


Dr. Fishman received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Physical-Analytical Chemistry at Stanford working in the area of lasers, microfluidics, and neuroscience. After his PhD, Dr. Fishman went on to earn his MD from Stanford and conducted post-doctoral research in Neurobiology working in the field of optic nerve regeneration.  After completing a medical internship in San Francisco, Dr. Fishman joined Stanford Ophthalmology to become the founder and director of the Ophthalmic Tissue Engineering Laboratory where he was awarded one of the first BIO-X grants on his work on an implantable artificial retina prosthesis.  After completing his residency training in advanced ocular surgery and medical treatment for eye diseases at Stanford, Dr. Fishman started his own concierge ophthalmology practice in Palo Alto where he conducts both basic science and clinical research in ocular surface disease and novel diagnostics for dry eye, cancer detection, and the ocular microbiome. Dr. Fishman has a special interest in digital health and has co-founded 3 companies in tele-ophthalmology.  Dr. Fishman has co-authored 34 Peer-reviewed Publications, 11 U.S. Patents, and his research has been highlighted in Scientific American, The Economist, JAMA, Technology Review: An MIT Enterprise, and recently in Ophthalmology Times.


Learning Points:

  • What is the Ocular Biome?
  • How can we improve the health of our Ocular Biome?
  • What are symptoms of an unhealthy Ocular Biome?



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Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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