This Week on The Health Hub…The Role of Nutrition in Fighting Addictions with Dr. Keith Kantor

Dr. Keith Kantor is an influential and highly successful business entrepreneur, a medical professional, a certified wellness specialist, and a leading voice in the Health and Wellness industries with over thirty-five years of professional experience. He is widely considered to be among the preeminent experts in all-natural foods, the premier doctor in correlating nutritional food science with preventing and mitigating disease, and a seasoned executive offering expertise in entrepreneurship, marketing strategies, and start-up development. He has led a congressionally appointed Blue Ribbon panel on the decreasing healthcare costs and chaired the 2013 annual Corporate Wellness Association conference that was attended by over 30,000 executives and medical professionals. This is in addition to publishing two best-selling books and receiving a multitude of awards and accolades throughout the duration of his career. He is also a decorated officer in the United States Marine Corp, and served in the reserves until April 2016.


Learning Points:

  • The Addiction Mechanism
  • Common Causes of Addiction
  • The Role of Nutrition in Fighting Addictions

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Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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not eating

Integrative Tips When You Can’t Eat During Cancer Treatment

It is not a failure nor is it a sign of weakness to take anti-nausea medications, called antiemetics, during cancer treatment. In fact, when warranted, you should take anti-nausea medications so that you can maintain caloric intake and stave off nutrient deficiencies.

Common drugs that may be used to prevent or control nausea and vomiting include:

  • Ondansetron
  • Dexamethasone
  • Lorazepam

When nausea strikes and food intake declines, it is important that you try and get easily digestible, nutrient dense foods and liquids in to your system to maintain weight and nutrient intake.

There are many natural strategies that you can use either individually or in combination to help you through this time.

Tips for Supporting Cancer Patients Who Don’t Feel Like Eating

Here are some tips that you can use when nausea strikes and you just don’t feel like eating:

  • Increase intake with fluids and electrolytes.  Adding a pinch of himalayan salt to water is a quick strategy to increase electrolytes
  • Cook vegetables and eat at a warm temperature
  • Decrease intake of raw foods as these can be harder to digest
  • Include nutrient dense smoothies in to your diet
  • Include bone broth in to your diet to increase intake of important minerals and gut healing nutrients
  • Consume ginger i.e. in tea form, in crystallized form, added to stir a fry and in homemade juices
  • Use peppermint i.e. in tea form, essential oils
  • Drink Chamomile tea to soothe an upset stomach
  • Avoid greasy or fried foods
  • Avoid foods with strong odours
  • Avoid spicy foods
  • Eat smaller more frequent meals
  • Acupuncture
  • Hypnosis
  • Muscle relaxation with guided imagery

Along with the above mentioned tips, I also recommend that you keep a food journal.  This can help you to identify and keep track of food that has both worked well in your diet and foods that have not.



This Week on The Health Hub…Strategies to Protect our Brain as We Age with Kelly Dorfman

Kelly Dorfman is one of the world’s foremost experts on using nutrition therapeutically to improve brain function, energy and mood.  She works collaboratively with other medical professionals to help people develop creative strategies to address complex ailments and symptoms.  After identifying core issues she employs tried-and-true strategies grounded in research to attain the best results over time. One of Kelly’s special interests is children.  Her award winning book, Cure Your Child With Food: The Hidden Connection Between Nutrition and Childhood Ailments, was reissued by Workman Press in June 2013. Kelly holds a master’s degree in nutrition/biology and is a licensed nutrition dietitian. She resides with her husband in Virginia. They are the parents of three grown children.

Learning Points:

  • How our brain changes as we age
  • How nutrition can protect our brain
  • Optimal brain food

Social Media

Listen live or catch the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud!

Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

TheHealthHub is now on iTunes!

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5 Reasons to Use Fermented Foods in Your Cancer Fighting Diet

The process of fermentation is a metabolic one that converts sugar into acids, gases or alcohol. Fermented foods are foods that have been through a process of lacto-fermentation where natural bacteria feed on the sugar in the food creating lactic acid.

Cultures around the world have been eating fermented foods for years, from Sauerkraut in Germany, Kimichi in Korea and beer and wine just about everywhere.

The benefits of fermented foods are noted in many studies pertaining to cancer care and prevention due in great part for their ability to improve intestinal tract health, enhance immunity and to synthesize and  enhance the bioavailability of nutrients.

The beneficial bacteria found in fermented foods have been shown to be effective for suppressing colon cancer and may also inhibit cancers of the breast, liver, small intestine and other organs.

Butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid created when microbes ferment dietary fiber in your gut, has been shown to induce programmed cell death of colon cancer cells.  Cultured milk products may reduce your risk of bladder cancer by about 29 percent.

5 Reasons to Use Fermented Foods in Your Cancer Fighting Diet


Fermented foods contain probiotics. Probiotics are important to intake daily as they improve digestion, aid in our immune function and balance our intestinal bacteria.

Enhances Digestion


Fermenting foods is like partially digesting them before they are consumed.  This means that there will be less work that the body has to do to break them down. Due to this benefit it is interesting to note that many people who are lactose intolerant will be able to tolerate kefir, a fermented milk product.

Enzyme Production

Enzymes break down the food that we eat enabling nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream.  The probiotics in fermented foods produce digestive enzymes that are essential when breaking down our food.  This helps to make the nutrients in food more bioavailable for absorption.

Increases Nutrient Content of Food

Fermenting foods improves the quantity, availability and digestibility of some dietary nutrients. Fermentation of food with lactic acid bacteria increases folic acid in yogurt.  Niacin and riboflavin levels in yogurt are increased with fermentation.
fermented foods


Supports our immune function


It is estimated that approximately 80% of our immune system is in our gut. Fermented foods enable better digestion and healthy gut flora, which in turn supports immune function. Fermented foods are also rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which help to strengthen immunity.



Here is a wonderful recipe for Fermented Quinoa Breakfast Bowl:





This Week on The Health Hub… Food Waste Philosophy: Promoting Ways to Reduce Food Waste with Chef Shane Jordan

Chef Shane Jordan is a plant-based chef and environmental practitioner from the UK specializing in creating meals from surplus food and promoting ways to reduce food waste.

Chef Jordan has been described as a “pioneer” for his imaginative use of food waste in restaurants and has written a cookery book entitled “Food Waste Philosophy” detailing his alternative approach.

 Promoting sustainability outside the kitchen, he has partnered with a host of UK waste initiatives, including Vegfest UK, FoodCycle, Love Food, Hate Waste and Waste & Resources Action Programme.

Discussion Points:

  • What is the Food Waste Philosophy?
  • How Can We Reduce Food Waste?
  • What is Chef Jordan’s Philosophy on Cooking and Creating?

Social Media

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Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada.   Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.

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