Dr. Traci L. Scheepstra. Traci is an award-winning teacher educator with teaching experience at three top tier Canadian universities in education and dance. She is also an educational researcher, teacher mentor, and elementary arts specialist. She received her Ph.D. from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) in Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning. Her doctoral research focused on school-related gender-based violence in elementary contexts. She also completed her Master of Arts in Dance, and an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts Studies and Dance at York University. With a career that spans three decades, Traci has taught in a variety of educational settings with learners of all ages. Her work focuses on curriculum, pedagogy and research in the fields of holistic curriculum, experiential learning, arts-based education, Indigenous knowledge, and mental health and wellness.
Learning points:
- What is an holistic curriculum?
- How is the changing landscape of education impacting our teachers?
- How can a mentor be of value for a teacher?
Social Media:
- Website: https://www.embodiedlearnings.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embodiedlearnings/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbodiedLearnings/
- Listen live or catch the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud! Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada. Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.
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- If you have a health topic that you would like us to discuss or are a health care specialist who wants to be a guest on our show let us know!Here is our email. We would love to hear from you! thh@radiomaria.ca