Dr. Maharaj is a world renowned expert, the Medical Director of The Maharaj Institute and a leader in the clinical field of Stem Cell Transplantation, Immunotherapy and Regenerative medicine. He was part of the team in Scotland which developed the standard of care for leukemia patients back in the 1980s. Dr. Maharaj has developed several innovative protocols involving Immunotherapy and sees this as the future in the treatment of chronic disease. He has also created a protocol to collect and store an adult’s healthy immune system, in case of future need. One of the most exciting areas, is in the field of aging. Dr. Maharaj is now working on a clinical trial that will see 30 study subjects receiving stem cell mobilized fresh frozen plasma from the blood of healthy young donors. The objective of this study is the meaningful and systemic reversal of pathological aging processes and restoration of youthful immune status.
Learning Points:
  • What are stem cells?
  • What is the connection between stem cells and the immune system?
  • Why should we consider banking stem cells?
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