Iva Lloyd is a Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Polarity Practitioner. In 2002 she founded Naturopathic Foundations, an integrated clinic with 4 naturopathic doctors and other alternative health care providers that blend the naturopathic and energetic aspects of health care. Dr. Lloyd is currently president of the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF) and is past-Chair of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND). Dr. Lloyd teaches part-time at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). She is the author of three books: Building a Successful Naturopathic Practice, Messages from the Body, a guide to the Energetics of health, and The Energetics of Health, a naturopathic assessment. Dr. Lloyd writes for various journals and gives seminars internationally on naturopathic medicine, the role of the mind in healing and the energetics of health.
Learning Points:
- How emotions can affect health
- Could some emotions be more harmful than others
- Are we able to change emotional patterns
Social Media
- www.naturopathicfoundations.ca
- http://blog.naturopathicfoundations.ca
- https://twitter.com/NatFoundations
- www.ndhealthfacts.org
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Every Tuesday from 11am -12pm I host The Health Hub, an interactive, forward thinking talk show on Radio Maria Canada. Call, tweet or email your questions as together we explore health issues that are relevant to you from new and innovative points of view.
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