I must admit that I am not a fan of store bought Almond Milk. But I do love my homemade stuff! I love the texture. I love the taste. And I love the fact that I am in control of the ingredients. Added to this is the fact that making it at home is not only cost effective, it’s simple. Almond milk is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and is a great alternative to cow’s milk. I use it in smoothies, lattes and every once and awhile just enjoy a cool glass of it on its own.
As a heads up, preparation starts the night before and once made should last in your refrigerator for about 3 days.
•1 Cup Organic Almonds soaked in water overnight
•3 Cups of water
•1-2 dates
•½ tsp vanilla
•Pinch of Sea Salt
After soaking nuts overnight, drain and rinse.
Put in blender and add water, dates, vanilla and salt.
Blend until liquified.
Pour mixture through a nut bag or cheesecloth into container.
Squeeze nut bag until liquid is all in container.
Refrigerate and enjoy!